“The Adventures of Kingdom Forest” is a children’s book series bursting with inspiring stories and passionate pursuits of an adventurous God!
“The Adventures of Kingdom Forest” is a children’s book series bursting with inspiring stories and passionate pursuits of an adventurous God!
Mama Marie, the narrator of each story, is a light-hearted grandmother figure which was inspired from how I counsel and minster to children; her steps just include a happy dance! This provides an opportunity to not only read an entertaining story, but to discover how to overcome different heart issues. The reader gets to verbalize their struggles while in the arms of God, as He reveals the truth of who they are. This is meant to be an interactive time with an adult overseeing these “happy steps” of prayer and learning to declare God’s Word for themselves. In the story, Mama Marie brings along her friends of all nationalities, displaying the beauty of diversity, a picture of God’s love for ALL the children of the world.
This heart pounding adventure of Courage the Hawk will inspire you to take a leap of faith and soar courageously. A young hawk named Courage refuses to fly because of fear. He stubbornly clings to the tree limb until the day he is suddenly faced with a serious decision─will Courage allow fear to stop him or will he fly to save his family and friends from danger?
At the end of the story, Mama Marie, the narrator, announces the good news that like Courage, you too can overcome fear and be courageous. She joyfully invites you to join her and her friends on an exciting adventure.
On this amazing journey you will discover:
A special place in the arms of Jesus.
How to hear His voice by listening from your heart.
How to be courageous in the midst of fear.
How to use God’s Word as your mighty sword.
The compelling story of an orphaned bear named Barkley will keep you on the edge of your seat while you journey with him to find where he belongs. As Barkley wanders from place to place with no hope in sight, his friends race to King Bear for help. Will Barkley choose to trust King Bear before he faces the fury of his Aunt Jez again?
At the end of the story, Mama Marie, the narrator, shares how anyone can feel like an orphan due to a broken family, loneliness, rejection, etc. Join her and her friends to discover the reality of the Father’s heart, where you will always belong.
On this exciting adventure you will experience:
A special place in the Father’s arms.
How to hear His voice by listening from your heart.
How to overcome an orphan heart.
How to speak out God’s powerful Word.